After docking in Civitavecchia (civita = "city" / vecchia = "old") we took a tour bus into Rome. We were deposited at the Vatican City just as Easter Mass was beginning. We saw the Pope and his entourage from a distance and relished in the magnificent architecture of St. Peter's Basilica and the sounds of the antiphonal chant choirs. It was truly a unique experience to be in Rome on such a special day.

St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City

the Roman Forum

Left: Constantine's Arch
Below: the Colosseum

Inside the colosseum

From there we hopped a taxi to the Roman forum and Colosseum, then walked the beautiful streets to the Italian Parliament building (nicknamed the "wedding cake" because of it's design).

We paused for a treat at a
Gelateria next to the Trevi Fountain where we followed tradition and tossed in a coin. 1 coin = coming back to Rome someday; 2 coins = find a true love (we were too cheap and already in love for this option!)
Looks like it was a great trip! And I *love* the Trevi Fountain... ahhhhh... Fantastic! :o)