Saturday, August 22, 2009

News Flash: Car Boot Sale Yields Clue For Upcoming Continental Trip!

(Post from Matt) I am guessing mostly Americans read this. The first step is to understand what on earth a 'car boot' sale is. Car = Car, Boot = Trunk, Sale = Sale. Got it? A car trunk sale.

No, we do not go around swapping the interior fabric used in car trunks. Rather, people cram all their junk into their trunk, gather at a pre-defined location and participate in a junk sale. The British version of a garage sale.

An interesting point to note. An average American will easily fill their two car garage and entire driveway each summer when they sell their 'junk'. The average Brit struggles to fill the trunk of their Jetta every five years.

Anyway, the local school sponsored a Car Boot Sale and we went. Prices were great and many bargains found. Treasures such as the movie 'The Magic Roundabout' and a giant seashell that Amy couldn't resist for a pound. We also got a couple water guns that Amy & I used for a few hours after we got home. That alone was worth the £15 total we spent.

The real find was a puzzle. We started it on Sunday and finished Thursday. Not bad for 1000 pieces. Amy put in the last ten pieces- all blue sky. She constantly begged to work on the sky to 'get the hard bit done first '. But unfortunately that tactic proved impossible each time it was attempted.

Here is a picture of the girls with the fininshed puzzle. Double click to get it's full puzzly effect. Now the riddle for you to solve. Where are we going on our next week-long trip? Extra points for each city on our itinerary you guess correctly. We will be there 7 days. Good luck.

A cottage, rental car and castle await.
After £5 flights from the Ryanair gate.
'Munchen' a pretzel or wurst will us fill.
Or listening to music ring through the hills.
Play follow the leider while watching the cuckoos.
Perhaps say Adieu to yuh, und yuh und yuhuh.
Come in October - you'll hear polkabands.
Welcoming Dobberfuhls to their ancestral land.


  1. Sounds a bit Austrian to me, or German too. Makes me wish I was going too.

  2. Austria - Vienna perhaps? - and Germany....or Prussia.
