Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Airline that Stole Christmas

All the Whos down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot, but the French, who worked at the airports - did not. Air France hated Christmas - the whole Christmas season. Now, please don't ask why; no one quite knows the reason. It could be, perhaps, that their berets were too tight. Or it could be that their computers weren't screwed together just right. But I think that the most likely reason of all - may have been that their customer service was too small.

"The computer's kaflukey, there's no baggage tags.
We have no more flights out for the next 3 and a half days."

As they packed up the suitcases and started to shove, agents heard a small sound like the coo of a dove. They turned around fast and they saw a tall Who. Mister Matt-y Lou Who, who stood about six-foot-two.

He stared at the agent and said... "Monsieur, why? Why are there no more flights to the States today? Why?"
But do you know, that Air France was so smart and so slick, that they thought up a lie and they thought it up quick.
"Why my sweet little tot... " The French agent lied...  "...there's a light on the plane that won't light on one side. So I'm taking it back to my workshop, my dear. I'll fix it up there, then I'll bring it back here."

And his fib fooled the ol' dad. Then he patted his head, he got him a drink voucher, and he sent him to bed (at a hotel 1.5 hours away from the airport).  And when Matt-y Lou Who was in bed with his cup, Air France crept to the warehouse and stuffed the luggage up.

"Pooh-pooh to the Whos!" cried Air France as they looted the baggage, "They're finding out now that no airplane is coming! When they wake up Christmas morning, I know just what they'll do. Their mouths will hang open a minute or two, then the Whos (kids) down in Whoville (America) will all cry, "Boo Hoo."

Meanwhile... Matt-y Lou Who puzzled and puzzled till his puzzler was sore. Then he finally thought of something he hadn't before! All I need is a reindeer! And he looked around, but since reindeer are scarce, there was none to be found. Did that stop this dad? Ha! He simply said: "If I can't find a reindeer, I'll fly standby instead."

And so, for 24 hours he waited and waited.  Then finally, he boarded a flight at Gate Eight-ed.
7+ hours to Cincinatti, Ohio, then a night in Salt Lake and then finally Montan-O.  The day before Christmas, Matt finally arrived... but he came without ribbons! He came without tags! He came without packages, boxes, or bags!

But this empty-handed arrival wasn't so sad. Why... this family reunion sounded quite glad. Every Who down in Whoville, the tall and the small, was playing, without any presents at all! Air France hadn't stopped Christmas from coming, it came! Somehow or other, it came just the same.

And together we played noisy games like zoozit and kazay, a Wii Fit type of lacrosse and croquet!

Then we slunk to the ice box. We made the Whos' feast, we ate the who pudding, and we ate the roast beast. We cleaned out that ice box as quick as a flash. Why, we even ate up the last can of Who hash.

11 days later, as we boarded the plane for home, the suitcases arrived tattered and torn. 
The zippers were broken, the presents ripped open, and if that wasn't reason enough to be mopin', another overseas flight ahead of us lay, with the assurance of no sleep for a night and a day.

 And what of Air France? Did they make their amends? Well, they certainly didn't win any friends!
They say that the airline wisened up some that day. And then - the true meaning of Christmas came through, and Air France reimbursed us 100 dollars, plus two!
Welcome, Christmas, bring your cheer. Cheer to all Whos far and near. Christmas Day is in our grasp so long as we have hands to clasp. Christmas Day will always be - just as long as we have we. Welcome Christmas while we stand, heart to heart and hand in hand.


  1. Brilliant! Such a fun way to read about a stressful time.

  2. You are quite clever (spelling???), oh well. fyi-our blog has changed to
    had to try and get rid of a cyber annoyance.
    Glad Christmas worked out for you. Got a wonderful letter from your folks Matt, so glad they are on their mission.

  3. Hah! You are amazing Lana! Hope your holidays were great (despite everything travel related!).

  4. wow. I am more than impressed! That would have taken me weeks! What a fun story and I'm glad that christmas really did come after all :)

  5. This is the greatest story to read...I mean...the ordeal was horrible and I can truly sympathize, but I am glad that it didn't get your spirits down. It will definitely be a Christmas to remember.

  6. Oh my! I'm so sorry to hear about such a stressful time ... but have to admit that I loved reading that blog entry. Very clever!!! Hope you are all doing well. Happy New Year!!!

  7. I am so impressed! Your writing is "brilliant". You have a great blog with fantastic pictures. Best of all your information is like a well written guidebook. Thank you for all the time you take in documenting the interesting places you visit and cleverly writing the text to make it fun to read.
