Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bye Bye Beardie

Matt hasn't shaved in the last month.

It started out as an agreement between us that he wouldn't have to shave during our week in Scotland if I wouldn't have to shave my legs. I almost made it the whole week, but caved on the morning we decided to go to the indoor waterpark. I didn't want to scare the nice Scottish folk with my hairy legs! And thankfully for all our blog followers, I didn't even consider the idea of photographing my "progress."

Matt, on the other hand, looked pretty good after a week of not shaving. In fact, I really liked it. So I asked him to keep it for a while...

Here he is a month later:
Even though I liked the look it just wasn't as nice a feel for "snogging." So, in the end, it had to go. Apparently, Matt worked through his grief by photographing the stages of its passing - something that caught me by surprise when I was uploading the photos this afternoon. I'll warn you, the second one down had me laughing so hard I was crying.

Hey baby...

Allo... my name is Inigo Montoya...

Ahh... back to normal!


  1. This is a total copy cat of my freshman year beard-challenge (how long can you grow a beard without Sister Paige or someone reprimanding you) pictures that I showed the family, much to the chagrin of mom.

    Well, I guess there are some differences:
    - I only made it about a week - doing it in friendly territory (wife approval) versus behind enemy lines (universtity where it's against the rules) makes a big difference
    - Goatees were not yet popular, so I did an 'opposite-bottom-half-goatee' with huge sideburns running into the start of a handlebar moustache for my first iteration
    - my final moustache-only visage did not look like a Princess bride character and still gets bad reviews from people (mainly children and wife) who see it

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only wife who'd rather her husband stay clean-shaven for my own comfort's sake.
    Or the only one who can utilize quotes from "The Princess Bride" in nearly any situation...!

  3. Matt, you look like you traded ethnic backgrounds and knowing your folks sooooooo well, I do know different. Love the clean cut Matt for sure.
