Thursday, February 5, 2009

Chillin' Out

We ought to market ourselves as "anti-global warming solutions." We moved to Minnesota hearing complaints of how little snow they'd had the previous five years... then the 3 winters we lived there, the Twin Cities area had record-breaking snowfall. Same thing happened when we moved to Peoria: reports of "mild" winters and then record level cold and snowfall. Now we are living in Peterborough, England where, this week alone, the UK has seen it's most significant snowstorm in the last 20 years.

Schools were closed and Matt got to stay home from work (his boss said she had to stay home and build snowmen because she hadn't seen snow like this since she was 7 years old). Entire families (including ours) were out in the village playing together in the snow.

For all the local children, this was the most snow they've ever seen in their lives and there was a tangible excitement in the air. It's hard to know which part is more fun - the spontaneity of a day off from the regular schedule of events or the snow itself, but either way we enjoyed a day at home just chillin' out.

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