Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Amy's Accomplishments

At this week's 'celebration assembly' at school, Amy was awarded a medal for her participation in football (soccer). She was the only girl on the team, which got to be a little bit too much 'rough and tumble' at times, but she stuck with it and is glad that she did. (I didn't realize that soccer is very much a boys-only sport in the UK - especially since so many girls play back in the States!)
Also this week, Amy wrote a talk - all on her own - for Primary at church. The topic was "Prophets help strengthen my family" and she outlined her main ideas and even included a scriptural example.


  1. Her talk was amazing! I can't believe she wrote it herself. The accent helps the cuteness factor too.

  2. That accent makes me melt... I love it! :o)
