Friday, September 18, 2009

By the way...

...the kids are back in school. Here is the photo from their first day.
Amy is now in "Year 2" (2nd grade). Her teacher is Miss Wade, a lovely, soft-spoken young lady. Reportedly, there is significantly less "golden time" (playing time) in Year 2; there is also a bit more reading homework to do each night. Amy started tap dance and piano lessons this year; she plans to continue with the after-school sports club as well.
Emily is in her final year of pre-school/playgroup. She goes every morning from 9:15 - noon; her teacher is Miss Jane and she is in the Frog group. Next year she starts Reception, England's version of kindergarten. Emily continues with ballet and tap dance lessons.
We had a really fun summer with several outings to the Peterborough museum which hosted a special dinosaurs exhibit. We also spent many afternoons pond-dipping in the nearby dykes and playing at various play-parks both in our village and in surrounding communities. We loved the lack of schedule and being able to stay up later (8:00 bedtime, instead of 7:00) and being able to just go with the flow. Everyone is tiredly adjusting to the new routine now!

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