Monday, September 14, 2009

The sun was shining,

the birds were chirping... and the sickly hound dog at the farm behind our house was howling at 6:00 A.M. There was nothing to do but shoot the darn thing and put it out of its misery.

Instead, we packed a picnic lunch and escaped to nearby Norfolk county for the day...
First stop was the village of Blakeney where we collected tickets for a boat tour of the silted North Sea coastline - reportedly home to hundreds of seals in their natural habitat. Matt adds: 'The Wash' is reportedly home to more than 10,000 seals.

Before heading down to the quay, we paused for a brief tour of Blakeney guildhall - a 15th- century merchant house. Pictured above is Emily inside the guildhall's undercroft.

We had plenty of time, so we opted for the 1.5 mile hike from the village of Blakeney out to Moreston Quay where we would rendezvous with our boat tour. The little girls did great on the way out - only a little bit of complaining on the walk back, but nothing that couldn't be pacified with a granola bar, or as Emily calls it, a "ga-lola bar."

We passed several sailboats on our way out to the sea; the girls decided this was a real pirate ship.

There's the seals! (click on photos to see an enlarged view)

After our seaside adventures, we decided to take a drive along the coast. We ended up discovering a pick-your-own berry farm.

Sunday morning Matt made 'raspberry buckle' (here's what's left of it!)

Emily helped make chocolate-berry cobbler for our Family Home Evening treat.

Watching seals flop out of the sea was very entertaining!


  1. looks BEAUTIFUL! and it was SUCH a great day!
    I do have to say that we have you beat on the hound dog! we have a hound dog training on Milton Estate. 100+ can hear them at least 2x and one is at 4:30am (feeding time) and 3x during the day.... but we have got used to it. Scares our visitors though!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I loved the seals! But I loved hearing the accents of people talking in the background even more. Are you so used to living in the UK that you don't even notice the British accents anymore? I never get tired of British accents!

  4. The things you guys see and do on a weekly basis just blows me away! What incredible scenery. Seriously, if I decide to talk Troy into moving to England it will be your fault. I just love checking your blog!
